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Barnet Guild of Artists are a long-established subscription-based  group of practising artists working in various media in and around High Barnet. We became a registered Charity in 2019 and we currently have around 100 members. As a charity, we are governed by our Trustees and our Committee, which has the usual officers through whom our activities are managed.


Our aim is to provide a focus for the artistic endeavours of our members and to offer them the chance both to showcase their work at our exhibitions and also expand their artistic ideas and practice by attending demonstrations, workshops and other events. We also host social evenings for members so we can meet each other informally.


We encourage artists of all standards to join us, including those with very little if any experience. Enthusiasm for, and interest in, producing your own work is all that is required to join.


Membership entitles you to come and work in our studio premises, currently at Whalebones Park, on certain days and times under one of our designated team leaders.


Our studio was gifted by a former member, the late Gwyneth Cowing, the then owner of the Whalebones Estate, in her will, which allows us to have a studio in perpetuity on the Whalebones Estate. The Estate is scheduled for redevelopment at some point in the not far distant future, and we will be moving to a new studio on the Estate when that happens.



​Trustees - 

Valerie Cowan (Chair of Hampstead Garden Suburb Art Society, Secretary of Finchley Art Society)
Susi Earnshaw (CEO of Bull Theatre Charity)
Qing Qi (BGA member)


Hon. Secretary:
Bryan Polikoff 

Hon. Treasurer:
Sue Russell (retiring)

Membership Secretary:
Helen Leake



Toni Smith

Committee Members:
Events -Jenny Eaton 
Printmaking tutor - Charlotte Staunton 

Open door exhibition - Julia Ross


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